Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Although I don't sell a lot of them, I offer another version of the hammered dulcimer, the tsimbl.  This fully chromatic instrument is a close relative to the full sized cimbalom.  The layout is quite different then the traditional fifth interval American version of the hammer dulcimer but seems to suite players who play more Eastern European folk and Jewish Klezmer music. I make a couple of different sizes; a small 13/12 and an 18/17,  One of my most far flung sales was to Ignat Karmalito  who resides in Russia and plays with the group Digital SamaraYou might be interested in checking out their musicIf you'd like to see the instrument I built him as well as a tuning chart, visit my tsimbl page.

Here are some additional links to information about Tsimbls and Cimbaloms



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