Tuesday, November 30, 2010


I hope you all have had a chance to explore the variety of instruments and accessories I have that would be suitable for gifts this holiday season.  There is nothing like giving a gift that can be used creatively.  One of my most popular instruments is my two octave zither.   At only $58, this affordable, easy to play instrument, is ideal for the children on your list.  Another favorite is my bowed psalteries.  I make two sizes, the two octave soprano at $180, and the two and half octave alto, at $250.  This instrument can be played by novice and accomplished musician alike.  The best place to check out what I still have available is my current stock page

I also have a wonderful selection of the finest looking cutting and cheese boards available, which also make very reasonably priced gifts.   They range in price from $10 to $30. 

Please place your order early as I often either run out of instruments or time.

Thanks and I do hope you have a wonderful holiday season.   James

Sunday, November 14, 2010


As we approach the heating season, I'll throw out my usual advice about instrument care.  Keep the humidity up!  Wood in an instrument remains hydroscopic for most of its life.  That means that the cells in the wood will absorb or release moisture in response to the relative humidity in the environment.  In layman's terms that means that wood swells when the humidity is high and shrinks when low.  The swelling is not usually a problem for instruments.  It is the shrinking that is.  If wood is glued or bound on its edges, if it shrinks to much it can split.  To avoid that scenario, keep a humidifier going in your house or practice room.  Your instruments will thank you and I won't have to do the repair.  For more tips on instrument care visit http://jamesjonesinstruments.com/hdaccessories/instrumentcare.html

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

9/9 Hammered Dulcimer

Frank Cone needed a small lightweight hammered dulcimer in a range suitable for playing Medieval or Renaissance music.  We came up with a 9/9 (9 treble and 9 bass course) dulcimer. The range is approximately the lower two thirds of the common 12/11.  The dulcimer weighs 10 lbs and is 38" X 11 1/2" with a 24 1/2" top rail.  Despite its size the instrument still has  nice tone and hopefully fits the bill.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Four Octave Bowed Psaltery

I make a couple different sizes of bowed psalteries, the two and half octave Alto and the two octave Soprano. I wasn't ever expecting to make a four octave instrument but experimental performer/composer at Iowa State Matthew Coley decided he wanted to try to incorporate this instrument into his mix. I can't wait to hear what he does with it. He surely won't be playing it under his chin.